This New 55-Foot Sailing Catamaran Will Be Made From Scrap Metal and Reclaimed Wood
Who needs fibreglass?
BY Rachel Cormack  |  July 19, 2024
3 Minute Read

Image courtesy of iYacht

One man’s trash will soon be another man’s sailing catamaran.

German studio iYacht has been enlisted by German actor Daniel Roesner to design a 55-foot multihull with a focus on sustainability and circularity. Christened Hu’chu 55, the new cat will be built from recycled materials and powered by an emissions-free propulsion system to reduce its environmental impact.

The name “Hu’chu” points to both Roesner’s roots and passions: “Hu” is the abbreviation of his mountainous hometown of Hunsrück, while “Chu” refers to a spot north of Malibu where he fell in love with the ocean and surfing. “I am not an engineer or scientist, but someone who truly fell in love with the water and the planet he lives on,” Roesner said in a statement. The actor tasked iYacht with creating a robust vessel on which he could explore the world, produce films, and conduct ocean research. “Daniel had a very ambitious vision, and we guided him in turning it into a feasible project,” explained iYacht CEO Udo A. Hafner. 

The cat will be equipped with two electric motors and a 100 kWh battery.
Image courtesy of iYacht

Roesner teamed up with a major aluminium manufacturer to develop a special material for the exterior. It is made from 90 per cent scrap aluminium sourced from discarded license plates, road signs, cosmetic cans, and other junk. With not a single pound of primary metal, the material has a far smaller carbon footprint than regular aluminium. The yacht will also incorporate natural fibres, reclaimed wood, and recycled cork. 

The green ethos extends to the propulsion system. Two electric motors will provide extra, emissions-free power if the wind doesn’t cut it. The battery pack, which has a capacity of more than 100 kWh, can be recharged by integrated solar panels or hydrogeneration to ensure true autonomy on the water. The clean, green energy will be used for everything, from growing vegetables in the garden amidship to powering the gear in the onboard film studio. 

The exterior metal is made from 90 per cent scrap aluminium.
Image courtesy of iYacht

Hu’chu will be no slouch on the seas, either. The cat rivals an explorer yacht, with reinforced hulls that allow it to cruise in high and low latitudes. The rig and sail system also allows for quick and easy handling from both the helm position and the aft cockpit. Roesner plans to sail the globe and make documentaries about the world’s oceans. “I have a large circle of friends consisting of divers, free divers, scientists, and underwater filmmakers,” the actor said. “I would like to collaborate with them to implement various projects on topics such as environmental protection, research, and adventure.”

As for when the Hu’chu 55 will hit the water, the team is currently trying to find a shipyard with aluminium expertise to turn the dream yacht into a reality.